Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mid Week Thoughts

Tonight I saw the glorious battle wound that Wade Joye received from his parathyroid surgery, and we led a successful small group. Our guys didn't read (well some of them did) so it was somewhat challenging but the input that we got was awesome, and I could tell that we got them thinking about God in a new way.

Tomorrow could be pivotal for my life, because BigStuf will be letting all of it's intern applicants know whether or not they will be spending a summer with them. I'm pretty nervous, and I keep thinking that tomorrow they either won't call or won't send an e-mail and then I'll feel really dumb.

ManFuel update, I am pretty excited about it right now. We are about to start a mini series called "Close Encounters" it's going to be pretty basic but hopefully profound, and it's about how to get Close to God.

I just bought Copeland's latest CD, and I must say I'm quite impressed. I'm digging it a lot, there is a good melodic feel to it with some really cool synth drum beats. But yeah so that's what's going on for right now, more to come.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Saturday is here! Nothing really too exciting is actually going on but I'm happy it's a weekend that I don't have too much going on. Today will be mostly relaxing with my good friend Michael Heaton. We are gonna go watch us lose another basketball game today at 3:30, then I'm gonna go get my little brother to spend the night over here for his first time ever. So I'm gonna try and show him a good time around here. Tomorrow morning we wake up early and we head up to Charlotte, NC to Elevation to root on Wade Joye as he leads worship up there. God's doing insane things here and I'm excited to see what kind of madness he's doing up in Charlotte.

Monday, February 12, 2007

sigh of relief, sorta

yeah so today at 2:30 was the phone interview with BigStuf. Wow! Those were some tough questions. I have to be honest, a few had me sweaty and thinking really hard. I was honest and straight with them, but I felt like my nervousness held me back a bit. I dunno I guess overall I feel confident as long as I don't keep second guessing my answers. It felt so good to finally get to talk to them though because it has been running through my mind all week long.

So now I breathe a sigh of relief, except not really because I'm going to be anticipating the answer for the next 3 weeks when they choose 16 lucky people to be their interns this summer. I do have some peace though because I know if God wants me there, then I'll be there.

But yeah now off to doing homework and working on a devotional for Manfuel tomorrow night.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I'm so Busy, But loving it!

So it's Thursday night, and it's right about the time when a week ago I decided I would join Matt Mays and Michael Heaton on an adventure to the city of Charleston. It was fun I'm so glad I went and got to spend quality time with them and some of the coolest girls ever. Very spontaneously I got my ear pierced, and unless everyone is lying to me then it's actually looks cool.

Monday night Mount Horeb had it's monthly college worship night and the band Declare was there. Good guys and awesome worship and an incredible challenge from Nick. So many things have been falling into place lately that it's just unbelievable for me but awesome to know that God is capable of so much more. I like to serve people, but I don't do it enough yet there are so many out there who need to be served and who need Jesus even more than that. Nick basically said step it up in a very real way.

One of the coolest things that I have ever been able to be a part of just started this week, it was called Pancake Bible Study, but we changed the name to MAN FUEL, cuz it just sounds cooler. Basically it's a really laid back environment where Michael, Matt, Rob, Josh, and myself turn the study room of our dorm (for as long as it will hold us) into a pancake kitchen/video game hall, and just hang out and get to know people, and then a look at how Jesus wants us to live. This is aimed for people who don't know Jesus and feel intimidated by church or other campus ministries. It's a creative idea or at least we think so. Basically some inspiration from Steven Furtick on getting creative when it comes to reaching people. Similar to the paralyzed man who was lowered through a hole that was made in the roof to Jesus. We are trying to get a little crazy. It's totally free, and we are going to keep the teachings as basic and simple as we can. We want people to catch hold of Jesus through this, but we need tons of prayer and dedication. It's tough to balance everything and then be able to put on something quality for non-believers but God can do it, and I'm excited to be a part of it with some guys who are passionate about others coming to Christ.

Tuesdays will be our night because that's when it fits right now, if you are college-aged come and check it out 7PM. If you don't like it, then at least you got free pancakes.

Another always good part of my life is small group. Last night we started talking about the first chapter of Wild at Heart, and got to talking about manly stuff. The guys had so much to say and it was so awesome to see how all of us relate no matter how old or how different we look. As Brett put it, "it was MAN-tastic!!" It's one of the best small groups we have had if not the best, and I'm excited about diving into our manly hearts.

I finally finished the book It Came from Within, and it has been just what I needed to read. I'm realizing how much junk I have in my heart and how much I have stored over 18 years and am working very hard with the Holy Spirit in order to get rid of it. God is in control right now which is so relieving because I'm no good at controlling my life.

Michael and I were talking about this semester the other day, and we both haven't gone a day where something isn't going on. Like honestly tonight has been the only night where I've had a few hours to just relax. It is so awesome to be apart of everything that I am a part of and be busy serving him, but then again God commands us to rest. So this weekend I'm gonna take it easy and perhaps go somewhere where I can just be still in the prescence of God.

Sorry this was long but hopefully you enjoyed the update. And please pray for all the cool stuff God's doing.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tribute to Ferris

I'm the worst blogger of all time, I have links to everyone except Ferris Joye... until now, that's right the very first one is hers. She blogs good stuff so go check it out. RIGHT NOW!!!

Tomorrow I should have a new post with a lot on it, Gods doing amazing stuff and I need to blog it out.

For now just go check out some wade joye worship or new pictures on this page.

Friday, February 02, 2007


so tonight i had a good time just kickin it at the wired bean with some friends, and at some point i realized how funny it is that we call certain people "strong christians" or "good christians".... it made ma laugh a bit. I mean what is a strong Christian? Nick Cunningham must be a strong Christian cuz that guy can bench press like 500 pounds and he loves Jesus. I'm just really glad that as Christians there are no levels to that. Grace alone has saved me... I want to serve Jesus in any way possible, but just because I talk a little bit more about Jesus than someone else doesn't mean I'm any better at being a saved sinner than anyone else.

I know i've called people strong christians before, but tonight it's just really funny to think about some of the things that I say or do without even thinking about it.