Friday, February 02, 2007


so tonight i had a good time just kickin it at the wired bean with some friends, and at some point i realized how funny it is that we call certain people "strong christians" or "good christians".... it made ma laugh a bit. I mean what is a strong Christian? Nick Cunningham must be a strong Christian cuz that guy can bench press like 500 pounds and he loves Jesus. I'm just really glad that as Christians there are no levels to that. Grace alone has saved me... I want to serve Jesus in any way possible, but just because I talk a little bit more about Jesus than someone else doesn't mean I'm any better at being a saved sinner than anyone else.

I know i've called people strong christians before, but tonight it's just really funny to think about some of the things that I say or do without even thinking about it.


Unknown said...

very wise

Megan said...

"i'm no better at being a saved sinner" hehe so glad you make it look so silly, because that's really what it is...silly! that we "imply weakness" by calling someone stronger. :) that was a good talk...i cant wait for all of our thursdays to come!

the ranch did not come today!

Anonymous said...

that was a sweet thought andrew stuart ~caroline