Saturday, April 07, 2007

Blades of Glory

Good times tonight with Wade, Ferris, Robbie, and Will Troutman. We went to five guys which turned out to be pretty good, I didn't get a burger because I ate before going, but the smell of the goodness of the burger filled me up. We then proceeded to Columbiana Grande cinemas and experienced Will Ferrell and Jon Heder pull off a very funny movie about figure skating. It was good, I mean even Pam from "The Office" was on it. I just checked my e-mail and as it turns out I did get an A on my Media Arts video which is really really awesome. Very good night I would have to say because it's not often at all that I get to hang out with all of those people especially Will and Robbie since Will is in Atlanta (doing really awesome things) and Robbie is at Erskine. It's always refreshing and awesome to catch up and hear about the awesome things they are getting to do and how God is using all of them.

I would tell you more but it would just be too "mind-bottling" you know when your thoughts just get trapped in your head like in a bottle. Good night.

1 comment:

Megan said...

but if you shake them up a lot leaving them inside then when you do actually open up, they explode.

im really sorry i almost hit you the other day!! wouldn't that have been fun. :)