Saturday, January 27, 2007

Pre-dodgeball thought

So before going and playing an intense dodgeball tournament today, Trevor asked us many thought provoking questions. It was fun and some were just silly, but a few were things that I have actually really thought about a lot. One was this "Is there a difference between God knowing a disaster is going to happen and causing a disaster?" Obviously I have no idea what the right or wrong answer is, but in thinking about it, I can see why people would say yes and no. If you say no it's probably because if we say God is all powerful and all knowing then if he knows something like a tsunami is going to happen and doesn't stop it then it's pretty much him letting it happen and possibly being the cause. Here's what I said to all of that, and I'm not saying I have the right answer at all but I think that if God knew it and had the power to stop it... then it must be worth it to happen.

I know this may sound very very harsh, and I definitely don't think that God finds any joy in thousands of people dying, but when disaster strikes God shows up. I have heard many stories of mission trips, or from actual missionaries who are doing some incredible things in the name of Jesus. The sex slave trade in Cambodia for example: there are tons of young girls being sold into sex slavery and it's disgusting. It absolutely breaks my heart to hear about it. But then through a terrible situation like this people like Rob Morris are able to show some incredible love and actually risk their lives for these girls who they have never ever seen before. These people are getting to know Jesus and now have an opportunity to live life even in the middle of a horrifying situation. People are worth it. For whatever reason, despite how evil, and sin-loving that this human race is, God thinks we are worth it.

Post all this thought, there was some good times. I got to hang out and dominate with some of the best fellas in the universe. Nick, T-rev, Michael, Rob, and Josh were team Ka-Pow, and we proved that we show no mercy even to 10 year old girls when it comes to dodgeball. We got 2nd place and were only like one andrew catch away from a comeback in that championship round. Alright I gotta shower and go to the movies.

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