Monday, March 05, 2007

Burn for You

"there's fire in my bones
and it's causing me to burn
it's causing me to burn
it's causing me to burn for you...

i'll go anywhere
i'll do anything
at any cost for you my king"

Steve Fee has written the anthem for a crazy decision that I just made. I have decided that coming up with $3600 to go work with 20 strangers for people who I've never seen in a country that is overrun with disease and can be very dangerous is absolutely crazy talk. It's also what I feel God has called me to do from July 9th-August 6th of this year. That's right I'm going to be a Journey intern. All the time we hear of the atrocities that are taking place in Africa, and it even gets people to thinking, "Why can't God fix this?" Well I think God can fix it and I think he is calling all of us Journey interns to go out there and build loving relationships with people in a hurting world, and to serve them in any way that HE has equipped us to.

To the average person I hope it does seem crazy that I am actually VERY excited to be able to have the opportunity to raise the money and then go for a month of my summer vacation to serve my God and my King. I so badly have wanted the mentally of I'll go anywhere and do anything and God is giving that to me right now. There is definitely a fire raging inside of me right now because of the bad stuff going on, but the potential that this trip has.

With this decision comes a lot of commitment and A LOT of trust in God that he will provide, cuz I certainly don't have $3600. So there is really one thing that I am going to need from those closest to me and those who want to help.

1) The first and absolute most important thing is PRAYER- pray for the people of Kenya. Praise God for the awesome stuff that he has already done there through BigStuf, but also Praise God that he isn't stopping yet. Pray for my group Journey, and for me, for our safety and that I will become a more discipled follower of Christ leading up to this trip and during this trip. And pray for the director of Journey Suzanne Barber, becuase she will be doing not 1 trip but 2 this summer. Just pray for her safety and leadership and all that good stuff.

So yeah that's about it, there are a few ways that the general public can help fund this trip if you led to do so. Most of you who read this blog I'm sure I'll be asking, but I'll also post later when I have all the details. Thanks for your support!


Rachel said...

andrew...youre the man. seriously, im quasi jealous of you going to freaking Africa. Im excited for you

Anonymous said...

you are going to LOVE it. Seriously...I'm excited for you.