Friday, December 15, 2006


Wow, for whatever reason I decided to check the weather from my birthplace, which is in Fairbanks, Alaska. Right now it is -19 degrees and the hight tomorrow is -3. Haha, today it was 75 degrees and I was sweating all day. It's funny to think that I was born in Alaska... I wouldn't be able to survive there now.

Tomorrow morning at 9 AM I have my last exam in terrorism and counter-terrorism. It has been probably my favorite class somehow. It's very thought provoking which is cool because I do a lot of good thinking about Jesus in that class. I was studying my notes and a figure that my professor gave us is that there are about 1.7 BILLION Christians in the world (at least people who proclaim to be Christians). That's a lot. But even if all of those 1.7 Billion were legit believers in Christ's death for our sin and resurrection to prove that death has no hold over him, then there are still over 4.3 Billion people out there who don't have an intimate relationship with him. That's crazy.

I got an e-mail the other day that had a count of people at Mount Horeb youth who have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior just this semester, and that number is 29. I know in comparison to the 4.3 billion I just mentioned that 29 seems small, but don't let that fool you. If a small group of staff and volunteers can have that impact in just a few short months, then there is no telling what God can do through those 29. If those 29 witness to 2 people a person then that's 58 more, and then you can just imagine how quickly that would multiply. It's good to know that I am involved with very passionate people who have made their goal to Know Christ and to make Him known. It's working, people want to know Jesus because he does amazing things.

Mount Horeb rocks because Jesus is the center of what we do. Yeah there are some way cool people that are involved but they would all be nothing without the sacrifice and grace that Christ has given us.

yeah well that's it for now, I've got to get some shut eye in order to knock out this last Exam.

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