Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Exams are here

1st Exam was a big success. After I turned in my first half, my teacher said I was guaranteed an A in the class which is very nice to know. I'm doing a big portfolio for my university 101 class right now which is tedious but hopefully that will give me yet another A. It's crazy here, everyone is freakin out and going all over the place to take their exams.

One thing I was thinking about today that made me giggle was the fact that I've heard some people find it offensive to have the word Christ in Christmas. I guess some people really don't know that Jesus was born on that day or at least that is the day that his birthday is celebrated. It's kind of funny to hear the argument but also sad that some people are offended by the single most greatest human being to have ever walked on the face of earth.

I took the challenge that Ferris has partaken in and began reading the gospel of John because I'm memorizing chapter 3 from John and plus this way the next gospel I start on can be Matthew for the new year. If you don't know what the challenge is then you can check out her blog, but basically it's a challenge to "follow your rabbi" in which case mine is Jesus Christ. I can't follow my rabbi unless I know his instructions and those instructions are found in the Gospels so I will be reading a gospel a month for the next long long time. I'm excited it should be cool and I've never really read all of the gospels all the way through in succession like this, so I can't wait to see what God is gonna do through this.

Anyways I gotta get back to exams.

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