Monday, December 11, 2006


ahh the beauty of exam week is upon the USC campus. I luckily didn't have one today and have just been able to prepare for my first one tomorrow. I'm not nervous which is good and I'm preparing for an exam which is a new feeling because I didn't do much of that in high school. But it's good to see God inspire some work ethic in me because it's a way to be able to witness to people, if I know what I'm doing with school and can help them out, then it opens up conversation. Plus God wants us to be the best that we can, as long as we love him first.

This is always a really weird time of year, because there are tons and tons of things going on right up until you have that last exam, and then you have a glorious break. So although my body and mind want to be in break mode right now, I know I've got to put in my best effort right now. I just hope that in a spiritual sense I don't take a month long break from doing God's work.

God's definitely doing some big things this holiday season, and I'm excited to be a part of it. The live CD that Wade was working on has been pushed back, but I think that gives him and everyone involved longer to prepare and be able to do an amazing job of presenting his insanely good worship to people. I can't wait for that.

Friday for those of you in College in the area then you should come out to the Christmas Sweater Party, it's gonna be good times with highly cheesy outfits.

Well that's it for now, nothing too in depth, but I've gotta study my butt off.

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