Saturday, May 19, 2007


Change is what we do as humans. From the moment of conception we turn into an entirely new life form, and in 9 months we outgrow our home in our moms and step into the world. From there we quickly change from this helpless little baby into a walking, talking, little person. Here in the USA we then go to school, meet new people, and begin the education process, all the way through high school in our towns, probably move several times or stay put but then graduate and change the game again by going to college or working. We are always experience new and different people, places, and situations and we have different thoughts and opinions.

Just from taking the time to read this blog you are different. You aren't the same person you were 12 seconds ago. The most radical change that I personally have experienced is the new life that I have found in Jesus. But you see I've also read in the Bible itself that God is the same as yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He's always God.


Amazing, because you see Jesus was God too, because he did say that he and the Father are one, and because I have accepted him as my savior he has promised that I have the spirit of God in me. So somehow I have this never-changing, everlasting God in me, yet I am always trying to change me to become more like him.

For me things seem to really be changing a lot lately. I thought that I had God figured out at this point in time, but then he rocks my world. I'm probably changing my double major to Media Arts and Graphic design, I'm seeing old friends get more distant and realizing I might not see some of them again, and I'll be in Africa in less than 2 months which is going to be a complete change from what I'm used to here.

That's just some of the change in my life. Just think about what you've got going on and then everyone else in the world. Yet God is still God. He doesn't have a new agenda, or have to meet new people, or experience new things. He's been there and done that 6 billion times. It's both comforting and frightening to me at the same time.

God's plan has always been the same, it's what he is. Love.

That's it... love. And from some Rob Bell reading and digging into the scriptures I've been learning that love is the most complex thing ever. It's why we are here, and it's everything God is and does. It may sound mushy but this love is crazy, I mean God has done some things that this world would definitely not classify as love. The plagues, leading armies to kill people (even women and children), God's love is bloody all over, look at how Jesus ended up. Yet it's all love.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is no matter how much we change, our goal needs to be God and if God is love then that should be pretty high on our priority list. And it may call us to do crazy things... (i'm not saying go out and kill innocent women and children and call that love) but we need to draw guidance from the holy spirit of God in us, because it knows it all and has been through it all, and we can't even stay the same for 5 minutes.

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