Thursday, May 03, 2007

what wade joye would blog about

Since the whole world cries out for the glorious return of the Reverend William Wade Joye, I figured I would put myself in his astute mind and try and blog about what he would be blogging about.

I think he would start with the new Hillsong United songs that released on iTunes that he bought. They are bad to the bone I will not lie and you can click on this link to hear it from their myspace.

Hillsong is just amazing, it's their first studio recorded album, and it still rocks. Wade Joye would probably also talk about the success of Chi Alpha last weekend, and how he was absolutely terrified during my groups Air Band performance. My group did a hardcore song by "The Chariot" and it was all out blood bath. But Wade Joye would say that he was impressed with our being able to win the "Bigger and Better" scavenger hunt when we came back with a tire that was about 5 feet tall, and goes on a huge tractor.

Wade might would even go as far as to say that he is most excited about the release of Spider-Man 3 tomorrow, in which Will Troutman will be making a visit to see it with Wade, Ferris, and Wade's Parents. Adding to that list, I will be buying 3 tickets today to take my brother Bryan and my little cousin Jorge (pronounced Hor-Hey). My cousin's favorite super hero is by far spider man and he's been talking about this movie ever since he got here in January.

I think Wade would also throw in some talk of the promotion of the 8th graders to Ignite this Sunday, and would say that we are "pulling out all the stops" for the 8th graders so you should be there this Sunday night.

Hopefully this filled your belly with the goodness that is Wade Joye, if not then you try and get inside his mind and share his thoughts with the world.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Rachel said...

i crave for the day that wade makes his blogtastic return..but this was a good snack. i want to go see spiderman 3 sooo bad! AHH